Friday, July 1, 2022




The possibility of general AI

"The first use of the term AI is something more precisely called narrow AI. It is powerful technology, but it is also pretty simple and straightforward: You take a bunch of data about the past, use a computer to analyze it and find patterns, and then use that analysis to make predictions about the future. This type of AI touches all our lives many times a day, as it filters spam out of our email and routes us through traffic. But because it is trained with data about the past, it works only where the future resembles the past. That’s why it can identify cats and play chess, because they don’t change on an elemental level from day to day."

 "The other use of the term AI is to describe something we call general AI, or often AGI. It doesn’t exist yet except in science fiction, and no one knows how to make it. A general AI is a computer program that is as intellectually versatile as a human. It can teach itself entirely new things that it has never been trained on before."

"Their confidence that we will build a truly intelligent machine is based on a single core belief: that people are intelligent machines. Because we are machines, the reasoning goes, and have general intelligence, building machines with general intelligence must be possible."

(Man gets to play God. Good luck with that)

"Human vs. machine

To be sure, if people are machines, then those experts are right: General intelligence isn’t merely possible, but inevitable. However, if it turns out that people are not merely machines, then there is something about people that may not be able to be reproduced in silicon.'

(Well no kidding, its called a soul, it has a conscious, and sentience is a result of it.)

“What else could we possibly be if not biological machines?”

"It is a fair question and an important one. We know of only one thing in the universe with general intelligence, and that is us. How do we happen to have such a powerful creative superpower? We don’t really know."


Genesis 1:27

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 

The fact of the matter is people just don't want to believe it. This doesn't mean we look like God in appearance, (God is spirit, John 4:24) it means we are made like God in our moral, spiritual and intellectual nature.)

"Try to recall the color of your first bicycle or the name of your first-grade teacher. Maybe you haven’t thought about either of those in years, yet your brain was probably able to retrieve them with little effort, which is all the more impressive when you consider that “data” isn’t stored in your brain as it is on a hard drive. In fact, we don’t know how it is stored. We may come to discover that each of the hundred-billion neurons in your brain is as complicated as our most advanced supercomputer. 

But that’s just where the mystery of our intelligence starts. It gets trickier from there. It turns out we have something called a mind, which is different from the brain. The mind is everything that the three pounds of goo in your head can do that seems like it shouldn’t be able to, like having a sense of humor or falling in love. Your heart doesn’t do those, nor does your liver. But somehow you do.

(Revisit Genesis 1:27 would be my suggestion) 

"We don’t even know for certain that the mind is solely a product of the brain. More than a few people are born missing up to 95% of their brains, yet still have normal intelligence and often don’t even know of their condition until later in life when getting a diagnostic exam. Further, we seem to have a lot of intelligence that isn’t stored in our brains but is distributed throughout our bodies."

"General intelligence might well require consciousness. Consciousness is the experience you have of the world. A thermometer may accurately tell you the temperature, but it cannot feel warmth. That difference, between knowing something and experiencing something, is consciousness, and we have little reason to believe that computers can experience the world any more than a chair can."

(The uncreated creator is the sole holder of the life force. Humans can not give it to inanimate objects, period)

"So here we are with brains we don’t understand, minds we cannot explain and, as for consciousness, we don’t even have a good theory on how it is even possible for mere matter to have an experience. Yet, in spite of all of this, the AI folks who believe in general AI are confident that we can replicate all human abilities in computers. To my ear, that is the argument that seems to appeal to magical thinking. 

I don’t say that to be dismissive or to trivialize anyone’s beliefs. They may well be correct. I just regard the idea of general AI as an unproven hypothesis, not an obvious scientific truth. 

(...the AI folks who believe in general AI are confident that we can replicate all human abilities in computers.)

Not ALL, but pretty close, and close enough to fool all but the absolutely most discerning among us and they are already here and among us.)

I love you baby.

Relax honey, it comes with the territory you get a quality man in your life...Certain things he just absolutely will not put up with.

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