Thursday, November 17, 2022

If it


was theirs?

Why wouldn't you include them in the investigation and/or allow them to see the data you have?

Ukraine refuses to accept it was behind Poland missile strike, despite NATO forgiveness

(The wording of the headline alone is promoting an agenda)

"Zelenskyy said Wednesday on Ukrainian TV that his top military commanders had assured him that “it was not our missile and not our missile strike” that was the cause of the incident.

The explosion in southeastern Poland provoked a diplomatic storm and fears that a wider conflict between NATO and Russia could erupt."

(Ive been saying all along somebody wants a fight and somebody doesn't and it's pretty easy to tell which side is which in that equation.)

"He  (Zelenskyy)  reiterated calls from Kyiv to provide it with access to the site of the explosion, near the village of Przewodow in southeastern Poland and just 4 miles from the Ukrainian border, and for Ukraine to be part of a joint investigation being led by Poland and the U.S."

(If it really is theirs? Why wouldn't you let them participate?)

“I believe that we have the right to this. Is it possible not to announce the final conclusions until the investigation is completed? I think it is fair. If someone says that this is our rocket, should we be in a joint investigative group? I think we should, it is only fair.”

(100% concur)

"Oleksiy Danilov, head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, tweeted that Kyiv wanted to see the evidence held by its allies that suggested it was involved.

Danilov said on Twitter that Ukraine was “ready to hand over the evidence of the Russian trail that we have” but Kyiv was still awaiting “information from our partners, on the basis of which a conclusion was made that it is a Ukrainian air defense missile.”

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