Thursday, August 22, 2024

China Subs...

 China Launches Its Most Sophisticated Submarine To Date

"A Chinese shipyard in Wuhan has launched a submarine which is likely to be the country's most advanced non-nuclear type. The new boat is larger than existing ones and is the first in the country to feature X-form rudders. There are indications that it may have a vertical launch system (VLS)."

(Given the amount of Hypersonic missies they have why wouldn't it?)

"The submarine was launched without public reporting in April 2024, and was revealed by naval expert Tom Shugart in July. The new submarine features X-form rudders, a first for Chinese submarines."

("Launched", not "tested. April of this year. All those people telling you war with China is 4 years, 7 years away? Might as well have been the Tech Bros telling you AGI is 40 years away while they were building their kazillion dollar bunkers. 


"The current model in series production for the PLAN 

(Which is what the new ones are based on they think)

 is the Type-039C 

which features a distinctive stealthily shaped sail.

Chinese Submarine Is First To Exploit New Stealth Technology

"China is building submarines at an impressive rate and has the capacity to build them at levels unrivalled by any other country. The Yuan-class, their latest non-nuclear powered attack type, is the most numerous class of AIP (air-independent power) submarine in the world. And now these have been seen with new and unusually shaped sails, hinting at the implementation of advanced technologies.

(Modern non-nuclear submarines are potentially stealthier than nuclear submarines; although some modern submarine reactors are designed to rely on natural circulation, most naval nuclear reactors use pumps to constantly circulate the reactor coolant, generating some amount of detectable noise.[1][2] Non-nuclear submarines running on battery power or AIP, on the other hand, can be virtually silent. While nuclear-powered designs still dominate in submergence times, speed, range and deep-ocean performance, small, high-tech non-nuclear attack submarines can be highly effective in coastal operations and pose a significant threat to less-stealthy and less-maneuverable nuclear submarines.[3]"

(I said a long time ago it will be a war of attrition with our submarine fleet.

"China is building submarines at an impressive rate and has the capacity to build them at levels unrivalled by any other country.

We cant even do the maintenance we need on ours, and we are heading right into something without a chance of ever keepiong up with.


Its not just the avoiding SONAR with the angular "Sail", or watever.

Lil more to it than that lol.)

"Behind the sail it appears significantly longer however, and id differentiated by x-form rudders."

"They are generally regarded as better for agility, particularly in shallow water."

"Vertically Launched Missiles?

"The increased hull length may indicate the addition of a vertical launch system (VLS) for missiles. This is an increasingly important consideration in submarines but is less common in non-nuclear submarines which are generally smaller...If this new submarine does have a VLS behind the sail it can likely accommodate between four and eight missiles, depending on their diameter."

(All their hypersonic missiles? 

But they aint gonna put em on their stealthy submarine? 

Best guess, logical, rational brain God gave you.)

"Outlook: A Highly Potent Threat

"The submarine was launched without public reporting in April 2024, and was revealed by naval expert Tom Shugart in July." 

(You really wondering any 

about why that might have been? I aint...)

"If the VLS is fitted then it may carry anti-ship ballistic missiles, or land attack missiles which are too large to launch through the torpedo tubes. 

(Why did they just intentionally leave out the threat of Hypersonics?

Not even mentioned.)

"The Yuan class 

(Wat the new one is based on)

already has cruise missiles which can be carried in the torpedo room."

"An alternative explanation for the increased length may be a new or improved form of propulsion. It is difficult for this alone to account for the increased size given that the Yuan class already has space for air independent power (AIP). Therefore the VLS explanation appears more likely at this stage."

(No kidding?


"It is now almost certain that the distinctive shape of the sail on the latest Type-039C Yuan class submarines is to increase survivability. The angled sides are a stealth defense; reducing the ‘signal strength’ of the submarine from the enemy’s active sonar."

"Analysts will no doubt be watching this submarine closely, hoping to find out more. If it does include a VLS 

(Why wouldn't it again?)

then it will make the Chinese submarine one of the most potent non-nuclear boats in the world."

"The submarine was launched without public reporting in April 2024,"

(You really gotta stop and try and figure out why that is?

I don't.)

"This will be something of an upset for planners who can currently put the PLAN conventional submarine force in a box marked ‘local relevance only’. China’s naval might continues to grow in quality as well as size."

(It couldn't possibly be headed 

to meet up with their carrier 

a couple 100 miles 

south of Taiwan now could it?

Surely not.

The war is supposed to start for a few more years.

Or so you wanted to believe.)

ps, it aint exactly easy to find out where the Chinese carrier is at any given moment or whatever else they are manuvering, ships, Subs etc...

that fact along with

"The submarine was launched without public reporting in April 2024,"


Aint no good.

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