Sunday, January 26, 2014


Janet was upset that I am still driving her truck lol.
It would just be sitting in her driveway if I wasn't using it.
Good for it to be driven in this cold weather actually.
She's something.
She said she was surprised I didn't shovel the rest of the driveway today when I got up.
"The rest of the driveway" was underneath the truck.
She seriously said "underneath the truck".
I didn't say a word.
I was in shock.
After 38 years of knowing her I shouldn't be.
Seriously, I didn't say a word.
"Hello" she says.
"I'm here." I said.
I really didn't know what to say.
It's gonna be 40 degrees today and she wanted me to shovel the snow underneath where the truck was parked in the driveway?
After working midnights?
I got up at 3:30. Left at 5:00.
"Well why didn't you say something to me in the AM about needing a ride to get your truck.
Well...lets see...I forgot?
I'm not allowed to forget.
For her, Nicholas anybody.
I'm the one running around like a mad man and I'm not allowed to forget anything, ever.
People forget, I am lucky if I remember what time zone I am in or what day it is.
Every watch or clock I look at has a different time on it.
That's the truth.

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