Wednesday, December 31, 2014


all a bunch of stupid crap that I should only be affected by indirectly but because of others actions it causes me a great deal more stress and headache than it ever should.

Wanna drive?
Work for your insurance and gas.
Blessed enough to have a vehicle.

I made this decision well over a year ago.
Now it doesn't hold water cause he feels like he doesn't have to.

No fucking DJ equipment on my watch either.
It's to expensive and he won't use it or it won't be good enough or it won't work, hell I could come up with 20 excuses right now why he wouldn't use it and he doesn't even have any of it yet.
He gonna make money off of it.
Thats a good one.
He wouldn't even ever learn how to use it.
Just like the guitar he never learned how to play and just had to have.
I've seen it too often and for too long.
I've lived with and been around him long enough.
I know how he works.
I'm tired of it.

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