Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Nich can't pay for his own car insurance?
Then he can't drive.
Not if it's just me supporting him he can't.
He said Janet said she would help him.
She didn't even want him in her house a few weeks ago.
That dog don't hunt.
People just think I'm fucking stupid.
I don't want Janet to help him.
If there are two of us and we can afford to pay for his car insurance?
Then no problem, lets do that.
Me on my own supporting him?
He pays his own.
Or he doesn't drive.
People don't get to make decisions for my son who aren't part of the equation yet.
That is a sure fire way to piss a man off.
Interfere with the raising of his child.
Thats not how this works.
Pisses me off.
I don't think Janet said that.
I really don't.
Last time he said it it was granny and grandpa who said they would help.
I don't believe him.
I think I know who wants to help him with his car insurance.
I think I know who was paying him to work over at granny and grandpas last summer as well.
If thats the kind of input you wanna have in my son's life?
Then make it official and join the party.
All you are really doing is undermining my authority with him and pissing me off.
Get on board for real, or knock it off Lucy.
I know you're well meaning and all.
But you are not really helping him.
I tell him he has to work to pay his insurance and he just looks at me like "Foolish old man, you don't know shit."
I do not need this in my life from a 15 year old.
Me and Janet going to have a long talk.
I'm going to get to the bottom of a lot of things this afternoon.


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