Tuesday, December 30, 2014


dreams over here Lucy when I finally fell asleep a while ago.

By my count I was left standing at the alter four times?

Kept falling back asleep and having the same dream in slightly different versions.

The first time I stood up and noticed I had dog shit all over my shoes lol.
Not just my shoes but the carpet, my pants, my vest, everything, it was all over the floor I was like what the hell?

One time I was standing there waiting and somebody hollered out: "They are going to be late."
Mom said "I was scared of this."

Once I walked out to the parking lot and saw a whole school bus of you and your friends just a parting away, driving right on past the church.
A whole freaking school bus of women in Bridesmaid dresses and other kinds of formal attire, music blaring, drinks flowing, legs and heels a kicking in the air etc, it was a sight.
I was like: "Well, that's nice."

Fellowship area of the church was all done in pink.
Like I could have cared lol.

Once I was standing in the fellowship area and every kinda bridesmaid you ever saw, all kinds of shapes and sizes and colors and ethnicity's walking right by me...and...

no you.

Mom said. "It's been postponed, you don't understand the pressure she has been under, it's normal to want to rethink things. Her mom has been on her, you, me, all her friends, everyone, please, let her be for a while and it will be okay."

Dave said, "Somebody said it was rescheduled till Thanksgiving." I was like, "Fuck that's a long time." You were downstairs. We still hadn't seem each other. Everybody was leaving, I asked "Where is she? Downstairs?" A young child was standing close, I don't know who they were but they apparently knew you and knew where you were. I told him: "Go tell her right now lets leave and go to Vegas, right now, seriously, in five minutes lets go."

I never heard back.

Then I woke up.

I usually don't remember my dreams, but when I do?

Now I am here talking to my favorite electronic ghost.

So hows your day been?

Love you.

Your Husband.

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