Tuesday, February 3, 2015


pretty sure it was gout, followed by hamstring being all jacked up from walkin so funny for days on end, followed by some arthritis flaring up in my knee on and on blah blah blah...

If people only knew how much I hurt when I said I didn't feel well...
Maybe then they would understand...
But I doubt it...
So why bother.
Poor Nicholas and Chad.
They hear it more than anybody.

"Every man think that his burden is the heaviest...'

Tell me about it Bob.

Yesterday after dinner my left ankle starts acting up. I was like, you know, those uric acid crystals never made it this far, maybe they finally are and this will be it.
They have a tendency to seek the lowest point, thats why feet and toes and ankles get it the worst.

I took the tart cherry capsules, the indomethacin, rubbed the arthritis creme on my knee and ankle and lo and behold this morning and for a good lil while now both knees, all my joints feel as good as they have since all this mess started.

Thats two days in a row waking up with them feeling better.
Feel like we've turned a corner today.
Hope they stay feeling this way.
If not?
Im packin meds, cherry capsules, creme with me tonight.

Seriously last night?
It hurt so bad?
I just went and laid down, figured fuck this noise.

Much much more like I wanna be feeling today :-).

Now we got snow coming Wed Pm lol.

Of course.
Can't win.

Maybe there won't be school Thursday.
That would be nice for me and Nich.

Love you.
Even though you don't ever show me much of anything Lucy lol.

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