Thursday, March 26, 2015


nothing I say seems to matter any more, everyone is just doing as they please since they seem to think that they know best, so please, just continue.

It might be different if we were together already and talking and making decisions but this shit just drives me insane.

This and getting lectured to about how my expectations of him getting "A's" and "B's" is to much to expect from him.
Freaking Bum Fuck Rural KY High School and "A's" and "B's" are to much to expect.
It's not like he is in band.
It's not like he is working.
Give me a break.

Getting lectured by a sixteen year old.
Shit about to come to a screeching halt here in a minute.

He actually said "My life sucks" the other day.
I told him it only gets worse, get used to it :-).
I promise you I did.
I told him most people don't like their lives.
That the people that did we're the exception, not the rule.

Not like he is sitting in the burn unit.
Not like he has mouths to feed, bills to pay, and a boss to worry about.

Had enough of this horse shit.
I told him he has about 26 months to figure his shit out and after that there wouldn't be any dad, or granny, or grandpa.
He would just have to figure it out.

I also told him I have every confidence in him that when the time came he would be able to.

I could imagine the home I lived in if I quit a job and then wanted a gold high school ring the next week.
It wouldn't have fucking happened.
I got the cheapest High school ring I could cause I didn't care about it.
Not a thing on it is traditional.
Not one thing.
It wasn't the one I wanted.
I wanted my dads.
I never even wore my high school ring after my Senior year.

Yall keep this up and you're gonna fuck it all up.
Nobody is thinking or running things by me first and that shit just is not going to fly.
If that makes me the dickhead?
So be it.
Trust me, I'm used to being the bad guys that always says "no".
Janet never did.
Mom rarely did.
Always me, my job to put my foot down.
I've gotten used to it Lucy.

I've done all I could with the boy for as long as I could and it's never enough, it's never appreciated.
Thats what I am sick of most, whether it's work, him, you, whatever.

I just never feel like I am appreciated.
Notice I am not saying that I am not.
I'm saying I don't feel like I am.
Big difference.

I just don't.
And I am sick of it.
From all fronts.

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