Monday, May 18, 2015


day Lucy.

In bed at 10:30 last PM.
Up, fix breakfast, take Nich to school.
Come home.
Back down till 9:30.
Woke up and felt as good as I have in a while.
Got laundry in the dryer.
(Looked like rain or I would have put it on the clothesline)
Did dishes.
Made coffee.
Sat on my porch.
Lil colt got out of the pasture and into my yard lol.

Called Christian and let him, actually let Halie, get him back in the pasture.
Fiddle farted around with Christian and all of his clan till he had the fence repaired good enough to prevent the colt from getting out any more.
At least for a while lol.
Went to bank.
Filled up the Buick.
Came home.
Checked mail.
Got my last check :-).
Back to the bank lol.
Go fill up the truck.

Went up to the Career Center and borrowed their heavy duty stapler to put my "Shame on Century"sign in the yard.
Want to work a man 16 hours a day 7 days a week.
"Century" seems right.
They need to learn which one we are living in.
Busloads of scabs being trucked back and forth to work from Owensboro with State Trooper escorts.
Fuckin scum of the earth if you ask me.
Or even if you don't.
Take a mans job temporarily.
Go do something else muck dwellers.
Put two of my buddies out of work.
Fuck 'em.
Inevitable is coming sooner or later anyway.
Go down swinging is wat I say.
No shame in that.
Honorable way to go if you ask me. 

Talked to Janet.
She is just about over her bronchitis.
Going to visit her Thursday and Friday.
Wanna visit dad and mamaw and papa's grave sites.
Wanna be able to find them on own.
I could probably find dads.
No clue about mamaw and papa's (Dads side of the family).

Talked to Dave for about an hour.
Got an adventure lined up for us lol.
Wed mid morning were gonna load up his zero turn radius mower and bring it over here to mow the yard lol.
It's gonna take us about 20 minutes to do.
Take us longer to load it up and transport it back and forth than it will to mow lol.
Oh well.
It will be an adventure :-).
Plus I will get to learn how to use it.
Never used one before.
I'll probably get some charcoal going before we start mowing.
Cook us some lunch when we are done.
Nich said if we got grandpas weed eater he would help with the weed eating Wed PM.
Didn't even have to ask him.
That's a lot more like it :-).
Love that kinda shit :-).

Got Nich from school.
Got milk and cereal from the Dollar Store.
Went and visited mom and Al for a few minutes.
Fried up pork cutlets for diner.
Did it outside using the side burner on the grill.
Pretty good.
Nich said he would have them again.
Cleaned up.
Sat on porch for a bit.
Long bath :-).
Something I never used to have the luxury of having.
Felt great.
Getting ready to go sit out there some more here in a minute.

Got to go to bed early tonight.
Work the polls tomorrow.
(No phones allowed and I won't be around a computer.)
Easy money, sit around and read I suppose.
County clerk expects about 4% turnout.
So sad.
Anyway, got to get up at 4 AM to be there by 5.
Long day.
Then mow with Dave on Wed and go visit Janet on Thursday and Friday.
Weeks planned out.

We're all stocked up on groceries.
All vehicles have had oil changes.
Stocked up on food.
Ready to roll sweetheart :-).
Love you :-).

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