Saturday, May 30, 2015


I have been informed that I should invest in some newer "quality of life items" 
such as:

New towels lol. 
It's not even worth going into or trying to explain here in this forum..
I'm sure he has told you.
We've discussed towles and the need for them in this forum before.
Movin on lol.
New lofwas. 
(Whatever lol that damn spongee thing you put liquid soap on)
A new brush.
"Why a brush?"
"I need one with finer teeth."
How the hell I am supposed to know?
"New wash cloths."
"There's two red ones haven't been used hardly at all."
"Why did you wait till I haven't worked in a month to tell me this?
Why didn't you tell me when I working."
I can't even remember his explanation lol.
Not even worth tryin to.

I was also told yesterday lol...

that I should have Uncle Fred show me how to bush hog a field :-).
"Cause he's been doing it forever so you should have him show you."
"I don't need to bush hog anything why bother?"
"Well you wanted to learn how to use the zero radius mower."
"That was fun.
Bush hogging is work. 
All kinds of people been killed doing it."
Blank stare back.
then with the biggest shit eatin grin I could muster...

"I'll learn how when I have too."


But anyway...

Isn't all of the above...

shall we say...



Love ya Bambi...


whoever the hell you are today.

Fish fry at Fred's at 6 :-).


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