Thursday, May 12, 2016


left of the what was at one time, over a hundred button(s) collection.

The "I did it" one was for repelling off the wall of the parking structure at WKU.

Six stories :-).
Part of a "Basic Mountaineering" class they offered.
Two credit hours instead of the usual one for a PE class.
They told me about it and I was like, "Deal."
Lots of my buddies at the time came and watched.
Pretty cool.
We also did traversing a stream and ascending a rope.
Class was four segments but I can't remember what the forth part was.
We had been practicing on the ground, tying knots, using equipment etc.
We did two stories off the other building one day.
They let us know when that day was going to be.
One day walking into class and everybody's gear is in their helmet and the instructors were like, "Get your stuff, let's go."
Hardest part was climbing over the top ledge.
After that?
Two bounces and down :-).

But yeah, buttons, on an old army surplus jacket from the flea market at the fairgrounds, five bucks lol.
Desert boots :-).
Clark Wallabees.
Freak uniform of the time period lol.

Yeah...buttons lol.
They go well on a Levi's jacket as well.
Old hoodie.

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