Wednesday, January 25, 2017


this is a really big deal.

"It was witnessed by the largest crowd to ever see an inauguration in person."
Or some such nonsense his Press Secretary said on day one of his presidency.

"The Atlantic" hits this one right on the money.
"If your willing to lie about stuff this minuscule, why should anyone believe what you say about the really big things that matter? (The Atlantic Magazine)

I mean, what if your small child told you such a lie?
Would you just let it pass?

Better yet, what if it was the Obama administrations first day and they said something like this?
The right wing reactionary fucks would be foaming at the mouth.

Then, on the same day, for him to go to the CIA headquarters in front of the Memorial Wall in a speech that was intended to mend fences with the intelligence community that he had offended and start talking about the crowd size of his inauguration?
It was entirely tasteless and disgusting and yet he wonders why a large amount of people don't respect him?
I guess daddy didn't ever tell him respect was earned, not given.
Not to mention the entire speech was a rambling incoherent mess.
Somebody please holler at me when this guy can stay on point for longer than 30 seconds,
which is unfortunately the attention span of the whole country these days, or at least it seems like it.

A few days later one of his top advisers goes on the Sunday AM talk shows and starts talking about
"Alternate facts"?
Seriously, "Alternate facts"?.
Oh, you mean like, oh, I don't know, blatant obvious lies?
All administrations lie or try and spin things in their favor I get that.
My buddy Lonnie from a while back was right, It's the obviousness with which they do it these days thats offensive.
This is the kind of shit fascist pulled back in their heyday.
Again, what if the Obama administration had done something like this on day one?

Now today he says without a shred of evidence that the only reason he lost the popular vote was because 3-5 million illegals voted?

Dear sir:
A lot, and I mean a lot, of people here and around the world simply do not like you, they see you for the spoiled lil daddy's rich boy that has had everything handed to him that you've always been and they don't like the majority of the incoherent policies you wish to pursue. 
I'll just call that, "My Alternate Facts."

The billionaires are going to fix things for the working class.
That's the biggest crock of shit I think I've ever seen people buy into.
Matthew 7:15

And Sean Spicer, please don't ever wear this suit again.
It looks like you got it at JC Penny's.
For goodness sakes, I have better looking suits that fit correctly and I am no where near appearing on TV almost everyday. 

I get it. I really do, As John McCain said."The world is on fire". People are scared for their economic security, for their children's future and the world doesn't make sense to them anymore so they want someone to make it make sense to them again. History shows that in troubled times people coalesce around a strongman, bully type who says he alone knows all the answers can fix it all. Rarely however, does it ever work out that way.

Thank goodness for Bro Joe's bible study class on The Book of Revelation.
For true Christians with real faith, there is no reason to be scared.
Whats happening in the world today is exactly what had to be happen.
Don't expect it to stop any time soon.
In fact, expect things to continue to get more and more complicated.

Matthew 7:15-20
John 16:13

Look at that first picture again.
Somebody please tell me how this administration embodies,
"the Spirit of truth."

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