Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I'm out riding the other day.

(Love the white wall BTW :-)

and I come around a curve.
And out where they're clearing out part of a corn field to
run High Voltage electric lines what do you think appears?

Thats the fourth one.

This one?
The biggest most defined one to date.
(Not my picture and not the one I saw BTW).

It was huge.
70-80 feet tall.
I pulled overt to admire it.
The guy in the truck behind me stopped too.
I looked around for equipment because I thought they had to be digging.
Because it just stayed stationary.
I sat and watched it for a minute.
I was mesmerized.

As soon as I reached in my pocket to grab my phone and get a picture?
It disappears.
In an instant.

So then later?
I get in the truck and am driving down the road.
And lets just say I had a good reason to be methodical in picking out a particular song :-).
People that really know me will understand that last line :-)

So I'm driving down the road and I'm singing along.
And the sun is behind the trees going down the road but there is a clearing up ahead.and I think...

"Holy shit! It's the song with those lyrics, "

And then?

""I wanna feel
sunlight on my face
(and a few seconds later I did)
I see the dust cloud 
disappear with out a trace."

I'm just making it up right?

This is what people want you to believe?

Yeah, okay.
Sure thing.

I love you Lucy.

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