Tuesday, January 26, 2021



of talk these days about unity, healing etc.

Lets be clear.

There is no reconciliation without asking for forgiveness and showing repenttance.

None of which has been shown to this point.

The only unity should be in standing firm against the forces of darkness which seek to propagate a lie.


I'm so old I can remember when these wanna be facist fucks wouldn't quit yapping about personal responsibility and accountability.

Smart $ is checking out of  here. Believe that.

What five years ago used to be a radical fringe movement outside mainstream thought now has 139 adherents in the House of Representatives and 8 in the Senate. If you are not concerned? Well? You should be.

I saw that John Hagee was a Trump supporter. I really didn't know that until few weeks ago. Hes one of only a few TV evangelist I'll actual stop and listen to on occasion. After the insurrection he asked  "How did it come to this?"


What do you expect when you cozy up to evil? It spreads like a cancer, just look and you'll see it for yourself. Why in the world would Christians believe someone who consistently spreads falsehoods? 

Look, if somebody is lying about everything? Why in the world would you believe them when they tell you what you want to hear?

Matthew 24:4

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

That is your very first sign telling you what age we are entering into.

Believe it or don't. It won't change a thing that going to happen, promise.

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