Wednesday, June 15, 2022



think were past it personally.

Drought-hit Colorado River water supplies near "moment of reckoning"

"Immediate action" is needed to avoid a water supply crisis next year because of the Colorado River's depleted reservoirs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's chief, Camille Calimlim Touton.

"Driving the news: The West's climate-change driven megadrought has plunged the nation's two largest reservoirs, Lake Mead and Lake Powell, to historic lows. "Between 2 million acre-feet and 4 million acre-feet of additional conservation is needed just to protect critical levels in 2023," Touton said Tuesday."

The commissioner noted at the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on Capitol Hill that there "is so much to this that is unprecedented ... but unprecedented is now the reality and the normal in which Reclamation must manage our systems."

"The challenges we are seeing today are unlike anything we have seen in our history," she said.

(I dont know what you hear, but I hear: 

Matthew 24:21

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.)

"Per a report in April, the river that provides drinking water to 40 million people in seven states and 30 tribal nations is the most endangered waterway in the U.S. and "ground zero for the climate and water crisis" in the West."

"John Entsminger, general manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority, which supplies the Las Vegas area, said at the Senate hearing, "We are 150 feet from 25 million Americans losing access to the Colorado River, and the rate of decline is accelerating."

"What has been a slow-motion train wreck for 20 years is accelerating, and the moment of reckoning is near," he said.

"About 80% of the Colorado River is used for agriculture and "80% of that 80% is used for forage crops like alfalfa," which is mostly grown for cattle, Entsminger told senators.

What do you think is going to happen to beef prices really given that scenario?

...and the powers that were trying to tell you that inflation had peaked...



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