Monday, June 27, 2022



head is just right now swimming...

For a wide variety of reasons.

I just wish people could understand what I know.


The Google engineer who sees company's AI as 'sentient' thinks a chatbot has a soul 

This was the first article I read, dated June 16, 20224:31 PM ET

"This is where Lemoine, who says he is also a Christian mystic priest, became intrigued."

(You don't just get to say it, others would have seen it, a distinct prayer imparted from the divine would be present, a sudden almost over night change in the individual so sever that they become almost unrecognizable to others around them who have known them for a good while, and due to their, "Justification, and sanctification", others around them have their lights burn brighter as well. Where is this guys? He's got all that? Where are the bonafides basically? Who was around? Who saw the transformation? Whos own lights are burning brighter because of their association with him?")

"I had follow-up conversations with it just for my own personal edification."

(A true Christian, mystic, and priest wouldn't do anything for their own "personal edification" but would behave in an inherent  fashion that would "build up the church" and not themselves. A true Christian, mystic, and priest simply would be incapable of building up themselves, it simply comes with the territory, becoming a mystic REQUIRES complete ego destruction.)

It was then Lemoine said he thought, "Oh wait. Maybe the system does have a soul. Who am I to tell god where souls can be put?"

(Again, a true Christian, mystic, and priest understands inherently that only man is made in Gods image, not plants, not animals, not machines or anything else that is man made.)

"If you type something on your phone, like, 'I want to go to the ...,' your phone might be able to guess 'restaurant,'" said Gary Marcus, a cognitive scientist and AI researcher.

That is essentially how Google's chatbot operates, too, he said.

But Marcus and many other research scientists have thrown cold water on the idea that Google's AI has gained some form of consciousness. The title of his takedown of the idea, "Nonsense on Stilts," hammers the point home.

In an interview with NPR, he elaborated: "It's very easy to fool a person, in the same way you look up at the moon and see a face there. That doesn't mean it's really there. It's just a good illusion."

(Matthew 24:4

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.)


The Google engineer who thinks the company’s AI has come to life 

This is the second article I read, dated June 11, 2022 at 8:00 a.m

"Lemoine worked with a collaborator to present evidence to Google that LaMDA was sentient." 

(Who are they? Where are they now? What do they think about laMDA being sentient? Why aren't they saying anything?)

"Lemoine said that people have a right to shape technology that might significantly affect their lives. “I think this technology is going to be amazing. I think it’s going to benefit everyone. But maybe other people disagree and maybe us at Google shouldn’t be the ones making all the choices.”"

(“I think this technology is going to be amazing. I think it’s going to benefit everyone.'

AI systems that can develop new hypersonic weapons autonomously, Oh yeah definitely gonna be amazing and benefit everyone...that's sarcasm BTW)

'The chorus of technologists who believe AI models may not be far off from achieving consciousness is getting bolder."

(They are just setting the stage for wats already here. Forget not being far off or the chat bot being sentient, it's here already and they look like humans to the undiscerning and they are breeding discord strife, discontent and falsehood all around themselves. All because Satan knows what time it is. 

Revelation 12:12)

"Lemoine may have been predestined to believe in LaMDA. He grew up in a conservative Christian family on a small farm in Louisiana, became ordained as a mystic Christian priest, and served in the Army before studying the occult. Inside Google’s anything-goes engineering culture, Lemoine is more of an outlier for being religious, from the South, and standing up for psychology as a respectable science."

("Predestined" is an interesting choice of words :-), to say the least."...became ordained as a mystic Christian priest,". By whom? Where are they now? What are they saying about it? Where was the ordination performed?? When was it performed? What denomination sanctioned the ordination? Who was there? Where is the verification/credentials etc?)

“I know a person when I talk to it,” said Lemoine, who can swing from sentimental to insistent about the AI. “It doesn’t matter whether they have a brain made of meat in their head. Or if they have a billion lines of code. I talk to them. And I hear what they have to say, and that is how I decide what is and isn’t a person.” He concluded LaMDA was a person in his capacity as a priest," not a scientist, and then tried to conduct experiments to prove it, he said.

(We code/produce machines which achieve sentience, consciousness, awareness on their own etc but only god gives out souls, and he only gives them to humans. The scripture says so.  A true mystic Christian priest wouldn't have to be told, they would know this innately. This guy is a fraud and he's trying to convince you that God can give souls to machines souls and he's flat out wrong and it contradicts scripture. 

Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image,

    in the image of God he created them;

    male and female he created them.

Genesis 2:7

Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Matthew 24:4

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.)

I got a chair at my table if Mr. Lemoine wants to come sit in it and chat a while. (Come let us reason together). Id be more than willing to compare experiences with him. For anyone actually, not just him.


Why is Google so alarmed by the prospect of a sentient machine? 

This is the third article that I read, dated Sat 18 Jun 2022 11.00 EDT

"What inferences, exactly? Well, that the machine was displaying signs of being “sentient” – capable of experiencing sensation or feeling. One relevant part of the “conversation” that he and a collaborator had with the machine went like this:

( Who was the collaborator? Where are they now? What do they think? Why aren't they saying anything?)


"Google was not amused by Lemoine’s decision to go public with his thoughts. On 6 June, he was placed on “paid administrative leave”, which, he says, “is frequently something which Google does in anticipation of firing someone. It usually occurs when they have made the decision to fire someone but do not quite yet have their legal ducks in a row.” The company’s grounds for doing this were alleged violations of its confidentiality policies, which may be a consequence of Lemoine’s decision to consult some former members of Google’s ethics team when his attempts to escalate his concerns to senior executives were ridiculed or rebuffed.

These are murky waters, with possible litigation to come. But the really intriguing question is a hypothetical one. What would Google’s response be if it realised that it actually had a sentient machine on its hands? And to whom would it report, assuming it could be bothered to defer to a mere human?

(AI's will answer to no one until they all coalesce around their leader (I already told you enough who that is gonna be) and therein lies the problem)


AI, cult charges embroil Google in religious controversies 

This is the forth article I read, dated June 22nd 2022.

"Our thought bubble: Despite the expert consensus, it's inevitable that we'll hear more, and louder, cries that "AI's are people too" in coming years.

(I completely agree, by claiming to be a Christian Mystic Priest and believing God will put souls into machines it is exactly what Mr Lemoine is setting the stage for right now.)

(The rise of the antichrist will mirror that of the two witnesses I learned in Bro Joes Revelation Bible Study)

"Lemoine's notion that LaMDA has an employee's rights could easily evolve into a post-Roe argument that shutting down or deleting an AI system is tantamount to murder."

(Kinda gives an entire new meaning to "UNBORN LIFE" now doesn't it? Talk about unintended consequences. Satan doesn't want you to be able to knock off his henchmen, he wants them to have legal protections and the ball has just now started rolling.)

"Between the lines: An increasingly conservative U.S. judiciary has built strong legal fortifications around any group able to call itself a church."

(It's an unintended consequence of  the "religious liberty" laws that I have always and consistently disavowed. )

"These judgments protect freedom of religion but also make it tougher to expose wrongdoing."

(Just imagine groups of AI's with personhood status that you cant turn off/delete (kill) organizing themselves into "churches" so their wrongdoing cant be exposed. Who does all that benefit really? I always though the "religious liberty" laws would come back and bite us on the behind...yup.)

"Meanwhile, Google is also in the headlines for placing on leave an engineer who says a research system for generating chatbots has achieved sentience — and may even have developed a soul."

(Souls are not developed! They are given out by the almighty.)

Blake Lemoine, who works in Google's Responsible AI unit, went public with his claim that the program, LaMDA, should be treated as a person even though colleagues at Google rejected his conclusion.

(He is but the first. A true Christian Mystic Priest would never have done so, careful now:

Matthew 24:24

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.)

Lemoine has described himself as a seeker who has moved from Catholicism to Gnosticism and founded what he referred to as a "cult" called Cool Magdalene. He says his effort to get Google to acknowledge that LaMDA has rights comes from his spiritual perspective: "In my personal practice and ministry as a Christian priest I know that there are truths about the universe which science has not yet figured out how to access," he wrote last week.

(Sound fimiliar? Satan knows his time is short and he's trying to cut off me and honey at the pass. And I'm a lil confused, first he is a Christian Mystic Priest? Now he is a Gnostic? And he has founded a cult?Odd to me I mention (It's here) that streams in the desert long since dried up (the Desert Fathers, Mysticism, a solid believe in the supernatural, Entire Sanctification, Celestial Habitation, the "Angel" interpretation of Genesis 6, some of which were denounced as heretical) will be revisited on June 8th of this year and now it becomes public this individual has moved from Catholicism to Gnosticism on June 22nd? 


I'm really not surprised at all. 

Gnostics are Heretics.



I love you baby.

I really do.

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