Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 here recently has been asking me to explain myself to them:-).

So they could understand me better:-).


Here goes...:-).

Just your average everyday;

scientifically minded theist.
Sufi/Rasta inspired 
Christian Mystic/Apologetic
Visionary and Prophet. 
which places my hermeneutics 
smack dab in the middle of Literal vs Allegory. 

"The problem is what you see as literal 
I see as allegorical 
and what you see as allegorical 
I see as literal, 
especially when applied 
to the books of Genesis and Revelation." 

An advocate for a more "Revisionist" 
(as in, "We need to reexamine some things we have been thinking of as settled long ago), 
and "Apostolistic" 
(Teach the word and preach the gospel, 
and live it such that others can see it in you.) 

 A student of Theology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Quantum Mechanics, Particle and Astro-Physics.
An Amateur rock and roll historian and critic,
Avid NFL fan
I'm gonna say KY Bourbon Connoisseur these days, 
a step up from my days as an aficionado 
(How many times you gotta say how good something is 
before the experts do?
Or before it wins awards? 
It's happened three or four times, so I rest my case.)
and a  
sometime blackberry groin, 
jam makin,
 tie die shirt wearing, 
ex hippie wanna be
turned punk rock lovin, 
blues festival going 
middle aged 
pudgey bald guy 
who likes to wear Hawaiian shirts in the summer time , 
and happens to be more Stax than Motown, 
more Alman Brothers than Skynard, 
more Stones than Beatles,
 more thinkin mans/dad/classic rock/blues than anything,
really neither NASCAR or baseball anymore lol
 still more freeware than license keys, 
more sportster/cruiser than bagger/touring, 
more biker than motorcyclist these days...
who loves fancy sunglasses, Harley clothes, cooking...

Definitely more in the misfit biker/poet/starving artist camp than anything in suburbia etc...

"Otherworldly and vaguely threatening..."
Somebody said a while back.

I concur.

You know what I'm sayin Lol...

I love you baby.

Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the religious discipline of defending religious doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse.[1][2][3] Early Christian writers (c. 120–220) who defended their beliefs against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called Christian apologists.[4] In 21st-century usage, apologetics is often identified with debates over religion and theology.

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