Thursday, August 24, 2023

Here's your


truth about what is going on in Ukraine.

Ukraine war: Zelenskyy still resolute - but West wobbles as spring counteroffensive stalls | Sean Bell

Of course it had to come from SKY News Australia.

"Ukraine's leader still dreams of regaining all lost territory - but, more than two months in, the hoped-for gains have not yet materialised and Western leaders are starting to get itchy as the pressure of fighting a long war begins to bite."

"Ukraine's much-anticipated spring counteroffensive is now in its 10th week, with limited evidence of any significant breakthrough of the formidable Russian defences.

President Zelenskyy remains laser-focused on his objective of liberating all Ukrainian territory, but if Ukraine's military fails to gain momentum in the coming weeks, what next?"

"Ukraine started its spring offensive in early June, but despite some ferocious fighting the Russian fortifications still appear largely intact."

"Although casualty figures are always hard to verify, it is evident that this latest phase of the battle has proven highly attritional, and Ukraine's offensive would expect to suffer significantly higher casualties, up to three times as many, as its enemy.

(Somebody has been telling you this has been an


conflict since the convoy to Kiev debacle, 

at day 4? 5? 6?, somewhere around there.)

"Ammunition and weapons are being consumed at a huge rate, 

and there is no simple way (for either side) to replenish stocks swiftly."

(Maybe one side had been 

"stocking up" for a long time

prior to open hostilities?

Why would you start a war of attrition if you hadn't?)

"And, notwithstanding the various press releases highlighting:

 drone attacks on Moscow, 

Black Sea Fleet vessels, 

ammunition dumps 

and small communities liberated, 

these are a sideshow to the main event."

(Can a brother get an amen?)

"Reports suggest that Ukraine has started to deploy its main reserve to assist the frontline fight - yet this reserve was intended to exploit any breakthrough to achieve momentum."

(Kinda hard to fight a war when you dont have an army, I dont care how many F-16's we and our allies pledge. And why were the Ukrainians clamoring for them so early on for? The f-16's that is? Why be so adamant about a weapon you dont even have the proper runway for?)

"Behind the scenes, Western leaders are starting to review options.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenburg's chief of staff suggested in a recent interview that Ukraine might need to cede territory to find a lasting peace."

(Aint gonna happen yo.)

"The formal view appears to be that the West stands ready to support President Zelenskyy "whatever it takes".

But weapons stockpiles are diminishing, and there are limited reserves left to continue supporting Ukraine, especially given conflicting domestic priorities."

("They dont fight wars like we do."

"He is going to bleed us dry." 

I remember somebody saying...yup.)

"However, if Ukraine fails to gain momentum 

and continues to suffer huge casualties, 

its allies might feel obliged to explore options."

The Ukrainians are bribing their conscription officers 

to get out of mandatory military service.

They know how this is going 

and they dont wanna loose their lives in a loosing effort.

"Hey it might suck if Russia takes us over 

but at least we will be alive."

Zelenskiy sacks military recruitment heads over frontline bribes scandal

That was last Friday BTW...

The main thing to remember here? 

"...drone attacks on Moscow, 

Black Sea Fleet vessels, 

ammunition dumps 

and small communities liberated, 

these are a sideshow to the main event."

and like I said 

it had to come from SKY News Australia.

Lord knows you're never gonna here it from a domestic news source.

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