Thursday, August 24, 2023




New Test Reaffirms Big


"Perhaps you’re familiar with Mark Twain’s comment: “The report of my death was an exaggeration” (New York Journal, June 2, 1897). This correction was necessitated by a reporter’s having confused Twain with his seriously ill cousin. How often have my fellow astronomers and I hoped for a similar correction with respect to the big bang! Reporters continue to confuse minor adjustments with the model’s demise."

"Given what the big bang implies about the origin and unfolding of the universe—and about the one ancient account that anticipated its discovery—rigorous and repeated tests of its certainty do seem warranted."

"Thus far, each new test—including one of the latest described for you in this article—further solidifies the certainty of their claim about a creation event."

"A fundamental characteristic of all big bang models is that the universe began as an infinitesimally small volume and has continuously expanded from its origin event. This cosmic feature predicts that the more distant an object is from Earth, the more rapidly it will appear to be moving away from Earth."

"Theological-Philosophical Implications

Thanks to the work of Lewis and Brewer, the big bang prediction of cosmic time dilation has been verified for all look-back times. That is, astronomers have observed the expected time dilation effect operating throughout the entire history of the universe. The big bang creation model has successfully passed another test."

"The observation of cosmic time dilation also provides yet another confirmation of Einstein’s relativity theory. Over the past century, astronomers and physicists have challenged both the theory and the big bang in dozens of ways. Relativity and big bang cosmology have passed all these tests with flying colors. While further refinements can be anticipated, both have been established beyond reasonable doubt."

"All big bang models indicate that the universe began to exist. Thus, the inference of a transcendent cosmic Beginner springs reasonably from the law of cause and effect. Astronomers’ observations of cosmic time dilation by multiple means and at all look-back times further provide evidence of the universe’s age. At ~13.8 billion years old, the universe appears far too young to allow for any credible naturalistic explanation for the origin and history of life. Neither is it as “young” as a mere 6,000 to 10,000 years, as some creationists claim. "

"Thousands of years before astronomers had even a hint as to the fundamental features of the cosmos, the Bible described at least some of the most significant ones: 

a beginning that includes the beginning of space and time, matter and energy

physical laws that remain constant throughout history

a pervasive law of decay (entropy); 

and continual cosmic expansion

On the basis of these facts, we can truthfully say that the Bible has predictive power with respect to science. On the basis of history, we have good reasons to believe that the Bible is, indeed, the Word of God, trustworthy in everything it says about both physical and spiritual matters."


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