Monday, December 18, 2023

I said



on the day 

Altman was reinstated as CEO of OpenAI:


"When a board of directors?

Fires the CEO?

And they site:

"not consistently candid 

in his communications 

with the board"

as the reason?

And they don't bother to tell you what it was?


The CEO wasnt

"consistently candid 

in his communications 


Somebody gotta draw a picture for you?

Are you serious?

I said just a few short months ago:

"You are not understanding.

This (AI) is increasing exponentially."

I told my son four years ago.

"The genie is out of the bottle, 

they will not be able to stop it."

It was 40 years ahead 

of where 

they were saying it would be 

in forty years

4 years ago!

There are synthetic humans 

walking this earth right now 

that you can not tell from real ones.

The conscious machines 

are programing conscious machines 

at this point people!

Exponential expansion.

You have no idea.


Oh and who comes on the scene 

and are pitted against one another 

at the start of the end times again?

The two witnesses.

And the Antichrist.



They didn't tell you 

because they just cant.

And you wouldn't believe 


even if they did."

How is your soul felling these days?

Read Revelation 13 lately?

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