Thursday, December 14, 2023



just dont bother with social media for the most part, 

I really just dont. 

I do like IG for a few things here and there 

but as far as commenting on post posting etc.? 

Just not into it that much. 

But somebody posted a video on IG of young Sheldon 

talking about gravity being just perfect, 

1% either way, 

more or less 

and were not here, 


the responses were so sophomoric and juvenile 

I couldn't help it after a while, 

so I just unloaded on em:

Something to the effect of:

(Warning, its a hodge podge mess of text taken from screenshots lol)

"30 different constants of the universe, if just one was slightly off? No universe, no us. Throw in some brute force facts and initial conditions and where are all these other "different physical laws" certain types like to talk about? If they were different? No universe. If it's science? Where is your observable, empirical evidence of them? There isn't any, your practicing your faith in what you don't know can't see etc., I'll stick to mine thank you. 

And when you get all that figured out? Come tell me HOW information got in the DNA molecule. Oh and DNA is only found in things that process Oxygen to live, nothing else, go figure right? I would go on about asymmetry showing a theistic entity impacting his creation etc...Cosmology, molecular biology, and quantum physics all point to a creator. How much longer you think we really got knowing all what we do RN?

Few more things, one, we are special, we have the most complex thing in the universe between our ears, our brains, no other living thing we know of ponders it's own existence, none, not one and if you go the alien route for life starting? You haven't answered the question of how life began, you just moved it to another time and place. Two creators of life in the universe and they agreed on the 30 constants, brute facts and initial conditions of the universe? Wats your logical brain that the Almighty gave you think the reasonableness is of that argument?  I'm flat out hitting you up with scientific fact, it's testable, observable and measurable.

Bill gates has called the DNA molecule the world's most complex supercomputer BTW. Just to give you some reference point on the amount of information that's stored there. Alrighty next point, design doesn't imply a designer someone

Two: information is always everywhere we have ever seen it has always always always been the result of a cognizant, sentient, entity that is trying to tell you something. A brain. Everywhere Every time from cave paintings to the Mona Lisa and beyond, information never evolves, it only comes from an intelligent entity. There's not one example of it not. That's observable. That's what we see. So how did the information get in our DNA then. 

Information theory holds that information degrades over time, distance and extreme conditions. So this information traveled 10 billion years at right about the speed of light for 10 billion years, after surviving the hottest temperatures ever reached and it doesn't degrade? Any scientists worth their salt will tell you the information that's in your DNA got their by means outside the laws of physics we know right now. Yeah it's called the Almighty as in all ruler, bender of history to his will and people better wake up

That's observable. That's what we see. So how did the information get in our DNA then. Information theory holds that information degrades over time and in extreme conditions. The big bang was the hottest event in our history. Universe is 13.8 billion years old. Life started here 4 billion years ago. So this information traveled 10 billion years at right about the speed of light for 10 billion years, after surviving the hottest temperatures ever reached and it doesn't degrade? Any scientists worth their salt will tell you the

Bill gates has called the DNA molecule the world's most complex supercomputer BTW. Just to give you some reference point on the amount of information that's stored there. Alrighty next point, design doesn't imply a designer someone

Every time we see a design? Everywhere Everytime, there's a designer, no exceptions, again this is what we see. Just not in the case of the design of the universe and all it's patterns? Logical best guess with the rational intellect the Almighty gave you? I'm flat out hitting you up with scientific fact, it's testable, observable and measurable.

the DNA molecule, that's the only exception? And everywhere we see design there's a designer just not in the case of the universe? Fibonacci sequence, lotus pattern, orbits of planets etc...everywhere else there's a designer just not with the universe? Initial conditions give it all away. The arguments being out forth here are juvenile and to easily refuted. To quote Lawrence Taylor? 

In conclusion then, information everywhere we see it is evidence of a conscious intellect just not in the DNA molecule, that's the only exception? And everywhere we see design there's a designer just not in the case of the universe? Fibonacci sequence, lotus pattern, orbits of planets etc...everywhere else there's a designer just not with the universe? Initial conditions give it all away. The arguments being out forth here are juvenile and to easily refuted To quote Lawrence Taylor? "Son, y'all have dot to do better than this" Anybody anywhere anytime minimal prep time. 


Evolution doesn't describe how life got here, only what happened to it after it existed. How'd the information in the DNA molecule get there? 10 billion years after the most extreme conditions on record, traveling at close to the speed of light. Molecular biologist will tell you we can't explain how it happened, people better wake up.

Furthermore the anthropomorphic principal doesn't explain information the in the DNA molecule, the asymmetry of matter over antimatter, the initial conditions of the universe, nor how the four fundamental forces governing every interaction in the universe peeled off from each other in just the right order, gravity first, no gravity? No atoms, gotta have atoms to have matter, strong nuclear force second gotta glue all the quarks etc into nuclei, electromagnetism third, gotta make these atoms into molecules and weak nuclear force last, everything eventually decays and dies. Funny how that mirrors the life cycle, birth, growth, peak, decline/death, wonder why that is? Also, natural laws don't bring anytime into existence on their own (where's your measurable observable data exactly? None nada zilch) they merely govern what already exist. "The first drink of water from the cup of natural laws will make you an atheist, by the time you drink the whole glass? God will have revealed himself to you." ~Heisenberg

Needless to say?

Comments on the post ground to a halt.

Anyways lol.

Point is.

Keep you nonsense away from me.

I know better.

I'm busy equipping an army with logic and science over here yo.

We already got the faith, an ancient book that is being proven true right in front of your face and millions of changed lives.

What does this other faith in what isn't testable, measurable or observable got?


satanic conjectures inside the minds of men.

Better wake up to what time it really is and what is really going on in your world.


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