Saturday, November 30, 2013


So this AM James comes in 5:30 or so. I love James, he is like a brother to me. He has helped me so much in my job. I would like to think I have helped him grow personally. It was James that tipped me off that I was accidentally posting things to the wrong circle in Google+. I told him when I had been doing that a while back that if it ever happened again to let me know, so he did. (He said the pink G-string got him excited btw lol). Anyway, I told him thanks for the heads up, deleted post etc...
I also told him that things were fun, it was exciting to know that things were going to happen but not knowing when. I told him that you had obviously been talking to Nicholas and that you have a little thing about inside jokes building intimacy and that I though it was very smart of you to include Nicholas in whatever lil scheme you guys are currently executing.
So anyway when he came in yesterday morning I wasn't about to say any more about what I had told him the other day. I was ready for "Dude, you're letting her talk to Nicholas? Are you sure about that? Don't you think that's a lil weird?" etc and so on. He never mentioned it  :-).
I showed him the picture of where I would like for us to spend a day each Christmas Season. I had never showed it to him, it was just the pic, not the blog post. "Oh yeah, West Baden Springs Resort...blah blah blah...I'm sure you all will go there." He obviously wasn't talking about me and Nicholas going there.
The thing is...lil Miss Thang...Nowhere...not in any text to you, not on the Blog anywhere...did I ever mention where this place was, nor the name of it, just that it was 68 miles away...No way he sees one picture at Christmas time and knows instantly exactly where the place is and what its name is...noway. Just the way he did not question in the least that you were talking to Nicholas and how emphatic he was in his "Oh yeah, West Baden Springs Resort..." comment. All this once again, gives you away :-).
I've told you plenty of times.
I like your style sweetheart.

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