Thursday, March 27, 2014

Well if the right...

time is now, come get ya some then.
Every day, on my way to work I am gonna ask if you want me to come there instead.
When you do?
Just text me the address and call me so I know there is no more funny business lol.
Somehow I get the feeling there will always be funny business where you are concerned.
I'm serious about no two week notice.
Just vanish.
Chad, Tony, James, Adam.
That's it up here.
Just be gone.
People be like "Wa, wa, wa what happened? He did what?"
Yeah sons of bitches, grow a pair, follow your dreams too, you'll never know what might just happen.
Beats not trying if you ask me.
What have I lost by trying to chase a dream?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, I am exactly where I was, only I am closer to a threshold that I couldn't even imagine a few years ago.
Love you.

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