Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dear Mr. Shapiro

Why income inequality matters:

Concentrated wealth doesn't grow the economy as much as shared prosperity.

At the top of this picture is Bob.
Bob runs a consultant firm.
His employees are portrayed under him.
Bobs firm bills corporations $60 an hour for every hour his employees work.
Bob pays his employees an average of $20 an hour.
Bob pockets $40 an hour for every hour his employees work.
Bob has 116 employees.

So Bob pockets $40 an hour for his "billable" employees .
Lets assume all of his employees who he can bill hours for?
 They all work forty hour weeks.
That is 116 employees x40 hours a week each 
x40 dollars an hour.
116x40x40 right?
$185,600 a week if my math is right :-).
$185600 x 52 weeks = 9,651,200 a year.
Even if his overhead, office space, equipment, supplies receptionist, insurance, HR people etc was 30%?

Bob and his family?
Even if its a large one?
Can not spend that amount of money faster than his 116 employees and their families could if their pay was doubled. 
Bob would still gets $3377920 a year.

His 116 employees?
They go from making $41,600 a year to making $83,200.
Know what the working class does with the money they earn?
They spend it. 

Why can't these people who worship at the alter of the "free market" understand, if everybody has more money?
We all do better and the economy grows at faster rates than it does if the majority of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few?
What is so difficult about that?

Go ask Bob for a dollar raise and see what he says :-).
These kinda people aren't going to ever give you a penny more than they have to.
They just don't.
Not enough of them to matter anyway.

Know what you never hear a "Originalist" jurist talk about?

"General welfare"

As in:

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."


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