Friday, December 8, 2017


get that I am not everybody's "cup of tea" so to speak.
Goodness do I ever lol.

Long as I'm your shot of bourbon Lucy?
I'm good with that :-).

People just need to understand
that I have been reading about things 
for twice as long as they are old in some instances.
(Nicholas for example).
So if I come across as having an air of superiority about somethings sometimes?
I feel like I've earned it so to speak.
So just try and take the good with the bad I suppose.

And my few select friends and family?
Let me tell you how we have always worked.
We get mad at each other.
We go without talking.
Months some times.
Years maybe in some cases.
We fuss and fight and cuss 
at each other 
and have differences of opinion 
on just about any and everything
But at the end of the day?

We love each other 
and want to see everyone, 
each and every one of us,
and all of our families, 
happy, well and content.


That is what life is about sweetheart.
Having people around you that you can be like that with.


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