Saturday, December 2, 2017

Joel 2, Conclusions

It might as well be called:

How the universe functions.


The secrets of the universe.

It's all true, Joel two,
every last bit of it and I can prove it to you.

It's the cycle of life presented right before your eyes.
It's birth, growth, maturity, decline, death, 
and re-birth all summed up in one chapter of one book.

But Drew, where do you see all this truth you speak of?
Glad you asked.

I see it in the fields, 
where seeds are planted, 
become mature, 
are harvested and die 
only to come back again in springtime.

I see it in nature, 
in the four seasons.
Does the spring and rebirth not follow 
the death of winter?
and the decline of fall?

I see it in the universe.
Are the stars and galaxy's not born?
Grow to maturity?
Then decline?
and are reborn into something else?
(Black holes).

I see it in ourselves.
Are we not born?
Then pass away on to a different realm?

I see it in North South East and West.

I see it in water, fire earth, and sky.

I see it everyday, 
in the very day itself.
Is the day not born?
Have it's peak?
 and then evolve into darkness?
Only to come back as a new day again?

A very close friend of mine just went through this entire process 
probably without even realizing he was going through it at the time
(I myself have went through it as well these last few years).

To become something new?
You must destroy the old that was.
Is it easy?
Well shoot no it's not easy,
but it's all a part of the process.

If you're going to get somewhere that is better?
It's going to be a struggle.
Count on it.
Maybe even a long hard one you don't completely understand.
This is your winter.
This is the "locust army" destroying what was of you.

It's the Israelites wandering around in the desert.
Did they not come to what was promised to them?
(Yeah, I know the original generation that left Egypt didn't, they complained to much, so I guess it would be good on all of us to watch the complaining right? :-)

Will it seem unbearable at times?
You bet. 

Will it seem like you will never make it at times?
Of course it will. 

Will you almost want to die and be taken away?
Maybe, depends :-).

But this is the trying of hearts, to see who is true.

But if you stick to it?
If you stay on the path that was given to you?
When you get to the other side?
Out of all the barrenness and darkness and despair?
It will come to be better than it ever was before.
Thus is the cycle of life.

Don't be scared of it.
Embrace it.
This is your destiny.

The cycle of life.
It's presented to us everyday if we take the time to look.
It's a universal truth and I just don't see how it can be denied.
It just exist in way to many shapes, forms, facets etc. 
for it all to be just some big cosmological accident.


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