Sunday, April 29, 2018

I should

have known lol.

"God is giving and then confirming a personal and specific promise in this season. 
Keep your eyes and ears open. 
You will be shown three distinct times what God has in store for you this year. 
Don’t limit God. 
You won’t get all of the details at first. 
When He begins to show you something so extraordinary that He has planned don’t begin to bombard Him with questions. 
Instead allow the promise to spur you on to greater levels of faith for the impossible.

What God is wanting to do through your life will take your full cooperation. 
What He is showing you is what He desires to do. 
You must say yes to God, not just about the promise but in the little things day in and day out.

Cooperate with God. 
This is only the tip of the iceberg. 
If what you are hearing doesn’t make your stomach flip with excitement and wonder and have you wondering, 
‘How in the world is this going to come about!’ 
It’s likely not this God shaped promise I am prophesying about."

You're so awesome.
I love you so much.

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