Sunday, April 29, 2018


not just the ones who:

"...have this fear of themselves not being able 
to accomplish their own dreams..."

It's the people who never had a dream to start with.
It's the people who, if they did have a dream, 
they never stepped out on a limb to take it.
It's the people who never had the guts to risk everything and fail if need be.
And a whole lot of others as well it seems like.

"Eighteen hours a day, theres something wrong, it's not healthy" 
I was barked at the other day.

No, I assure you there most certainly is nothing wrong.
Everything is quite fine actually.

This is how you go about never ever having to work for someone less intelligent, 
less driven and less committed to your own prosperity than you are ever again.
This is how you just crush it.
You stay up when they sleep.
You're up before they're up.
You run around like a mad man doing everything that needs be done 
so you can get back to doing what you love.
You sacrifice everything.

Some people never had a passion for much of anything except following the herd.
Sucks for them.
 For us Lucy?
Not so much sweetheart.

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