Friday, June 29, 2018


remember that day.

Blog Post from:



"...They are one person
They are two alone
They are three together
They are for each other..."

I haven't heard this song in well over 20+ years. I haven't so much as thought about Crosby Stills Nash and Young except for the song Suite Judy Blue eyes a while back. I get up and go to brush my teeth and start my day and this just pops in my head out of nowhere? Usually there is come kind of trigger, a song, a riff, a lyric or a group that reminds me of another song, another lyric or another group and then things pop in my head. Not today. Out of nowhere, this...hits me like a ton of bricks.
It's how I know you're my muse and things are being directed by a power not of this realm. People can call me crazy, I don't really give a shit, some always have, some always will, but I know what's up, I don't fight it, I don't run from it, I accept it and I run toward it. You can cry now.

Love ya Lucy.

I stared in the mirror and was about to start brushing my teeth and all the sudden out of nowhere, I mean nowhere, that pops in my head. It was like I was looking around the room for an answer, like hey, where did that drop in from? It was pretty early on, but I knew then for sure things were definitely different with us.

Everybody's all like "Oh yeah right God is using a Crosby Stills and Nash song to speak to you blah blah blah, such hocus pocus bull shit." Well? What better way for my creator to speak to me except through the music I like? 

Colossians 1:16 

For in him all things were created: 
things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, 
whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; 
all things have been created through him and for him.

Not some. 

Just gotta be listening.

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