Friday, June 29, 2018


of course you do.
Why wouldn't ya?
Ya been calling all the shots for six years :-).
 At a minimum youre gonna have to share in that responsibility.

Just remember.
I didn't do all this shit to be treated like some junior partner.
I did my end and you marketed to the world.
Walking side by side.
Date a Boss.
Be a Boss.
Build an empire, 
somebody's always saying.

I say our morning routine 
should be having our breakfast coffee etc.
You do your social media thing.
I'll do the blog.
We'll feed off of each other, 
not even telling what the other is doing,
just let them see it when it comes through.
The only difference is 
we will be sitting next to or across from each other.
Or you on my lap.

That would be a lil complicated lol.

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