Wednesday, May 25, 2022



ahead of schedule.

He didn't even have to wait till winter and shut off the gas and oil. Said this was gonna happen yesterday. It's time stamped.

This broke afterwards. Posted my post at 10:05 CST (11:05 EST) The story published 2:22 CST.

How is it possible?

I know my answer. Whats yours?

"He can't win" they said...My ass...He's been winning all along.

Thats it for the west, it's over. That was the corner that needed to be turned.

I used to think Greed and racism destroyed this country.

Now I think it destroyed Western Institutions and the West itself.

Told you when it all started the world was gonna want Russias mineral wealth (oil and gas included) more than it was gonna care about what was going on in Ukraine.

They are already forcing instability in poor countries and many are gonna default on their loans and not be about to deal with the International Monetary Fund and World bank, They simply wont pay up and will cause international financial calamity. Then Russia and China will be like, "See, their way doesnt work, we got a better plan."


Happening right in front of your eyes if you got eyes that see...

Europe accepts Putin’s demands on gas payments to avoid more shut-offs

"European energy companies appear to have bent to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demand that they purchase natural gas using an elaborate new payment system, a concession that avoids more gas shut-offs and also gives Putin a public relations victory while continuing to fund his war effort in Ukraine.

"Putin’s insistence on rubles may be more about forcing European countries to scramble at his behest than about shoring up his country’s currency, some economists and energy experts suspect."

(Completely agree, "Im the guy now, you listen to me, we've been tired of being treated like backwards European hicks for centuries now, no more." Something like that.)

"Russia had already used strict capital controls and a massive interest rate hike to stabilize the ruble. With Europe now signaling that it will use the payment system as bills come due this week, the currency is strengthening all the more."

(Not everybody thinks things have to be woe in a matter of days like we do, some have a lil bit more of a long game going on)

"Alexander Novak, Russia’s deputy prime minister, said last week that “about half” of Gazprom’s 54 foreign clients have opened ruble accounts. An account of Novak’s comments from the Tass news agency did not say how many of those 54 were from countries considered adversarial."

(Why were they ever doing business with them in the first place? How could they not know this day was coming?)

"Roberto Perotti, an economist at Bocconi University in Milan, said there appears to be only “political value” in forcing European companies to open a ruble account, with Putin proving that he can set the terms with E.U. nations. Russia, he said, could have ended up with an identical bottom line by accepting the euros and converting them on the exchange market. But such a transaction would have gotten scant public attention."


Funny how Eurpoe waited until after the Ukrainian Aid bill was signed isnt it?

I reiterate:

"Thats it for the west, it's over. That was the corner that needed to be turned."

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