Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Another point from:

 Daniel Dennett: 

'Why civilisation is more fragile than we realised'

"In principle, AI could create digital facsimiles of people"

(Principals ass.

They've been here over four years already, minimum.)

"This brings us back to a technology uncannily capable of inverting the scenario at the heart of "Where Am I?": generative AI. It has the capacity to conjure convincing human simulacra from trillions of bytes of data; and, by doing so, to upend centuries of assumptions around truth, identity and our shared experiences of reality.

Given just 30 seconds of moderate quality video, for example, freely available AI services can now create an artificial version of any speaker – or a wholly fictional person – and have them say anything whatsoever. Leaders like the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi have already used AI tools to create versions of themselves speaking fluently in regional languages, the better to win votes, with similar approaches being deployed in Indonesia and Pakistan. In July 2023, crude deepfake videos of female opposition leaders in Bangladesh, purporting to show them in bikinis and swimming pools, were rapidly debunked but still shared widely. And much more is coming our way. With 2024 set to be the biggest year for elections in history (no less than half the world's population will be visiting various polls), it has never been easier for the information influencing human decision-making to be manipulated – or for our everyday intuitions and inclinations to be subverted.

(Matthew 24:3-4

As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

Jesus answered:

“Watch out that no one deceives you.)

"Indeed, there's every reason to think that, with enough data, it might soon be possible to create a convincing facsimile of a person: "an entity who could conceivably pass for a politician" or you or me – not only in a pre-recorded performance but also in everyday conversation." 

("Might soon be?

You kiddin me?

Its been here for a while already.

"an entity who could conceivably pass for a politician"



This doesn't concern you?

This doesn't set off red flags 

all around you?

What were the sins 

of your sister Sodom again?

Ezekiel 16:49

“‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: 

She and her daughters were 





they did not help the poor and needy.

"arrogant, overfed and 


Sounds like 


right about 

now don't ya think?


"entity who could conceivably 

pass for a politician"


is still on the horizon.

Ive said all along 

it will come from Turkey.

The case for the Islamic antichrist.

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