Friday, April 12, 2024

Intelligent design

"Ewww... intelligent design people! They're just buck-toothed, Bible-pushing nincompoops with community-college degrees who're trying to sell a gussied- up creationism to a cretinous public! No need to address their concerns or respond to their arguments. 

They are Not Science. 


That is precisely why 

people should have never went with 

the Multiverse bull shit.

Cause Its not science.

They are just makin up shit

that is far more unlikely 

than an Intelligent Designer.

Initial conditions alone


there was a designer.

Physical laws don't invent themselves,

and they don't do it

preceding what it is they are to govern

has come into existence.

It is 2024?

And you gotta explain this to people?


"They are poopy-heads. There. I just saved you the trouble of reading 90 percent of the responses to the ID position...

This is how losers act just before they lose: arrogant, self- satisfied, too important to be bothered with substantive refutation, and disdainful of their own faults..."

(What were the sins of your sister Sodom again?

Ezekiel 16:49-50

“‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: 

She and her daughters were 


overfed and unconcerned; 

they did not help the poor and needy.

They were haughty 

and did detestable things 

before me. 

(Broad daylight in the parking lot of a Dodgers game)

Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.)

(The only remaining question is whether Darwinism will exit gracefully, 

or whether it will go down 

biting. screaming, 


and denouncing to the bitter end.


I think we can tell how 

that's gonna go down :-).

Jonathan Wells

"...studied at the University of California, Berkeley, 

where he earned a 

PhD in molecular and cellular biology in 1994. 

He became a member of several scientific associations 

and has published in academic journals.

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