Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Funny things happen

  when you know you don't have much time left.

You no longer feel the need to support the rigid orthodoxy 

of your faith you once did.

What are they going to do to you now?

You're checking out soon anyway?


You might just get a bad feeling in your gut about all those lies 

you spread so effectively for a long time. 

Pullin one out from the closet lol.

The case for why our Universe may be a giant neural network

(No lol although there are tons of similarities as the article shows, 

but its not that the universes might be a giant neural network

its that it was created by one that we cant possibly understand.

Theses people lol...

answer is right in front of em and they don't see it.)

"The new book On the Origin of Time reveals that 

the great late Stephen Hawking believed 

that the reductionistic paradigm he defended 

for much of his life is incorrect. 

Ultimately, Hawking felt that 

the mainstream narrative failed to explain:

“How the Universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life.” 

Funny how you never heard anything about that right?

I wonder why that would be?

Ontological reductionism is defined as “the idea that each particular biological system is constituted by nothing but molecules and their interactions” in other words, the centuries-old debate about whether physical matter is the only reality in nature. 

What Mr Hawking realized was and what you should to is:

The whole is more 

than the sum of its parts.

You cant just break it down to the simplest parts 

and think that explains it all because 

it doesn't, hasn't and wont ever.

And its all

Cause it had a creator.

And they know it.

And they hate it.

So now days they are 

just making up any kind shit 

to try and get around it.

Don't fall for it.

He knew better

You should too.

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