Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I could write a book on this one, I guarantee you I could...Gets me fired up these days when I think about fighting for Nicholas..."We could beat them forever and ever". The slow build up, the droning guitar that just sounds fabulous...Like the guy or not he has a great voice and is a fantastic performer...'I would be king...and you...you would be my queen" reminds me of you and me..."We can be Heros, just for one day"...I remember reading an interview with Springsteen where he said he thought it was odd how songs changed could their meaning over the years to him as a performer even though the lyrics never changed, mostly based on life circumstances and the like...I was like "Dude! that's true for the audience as well"...So it is with this song...it's changed it's meaning many times for me through the years...Right now it's an anthem about fighting for him... Your  beautiful, I love you...peace.

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