Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Nicholas Game Plan
He walks in his room the other day and this conversation was like it was with a 25 year old.
"I know where I want to be." "Where is that?" "Something happened to me when we went to NewYork, I've just never gotten over it, I've always wanted to go back". (He went to New York City for a week with his Gifted and Talented group when he was in sixth grade). "Okay so what are you saying?" "I want to live in New York when I get older. Something inside me changed when we went there, I haven't been the same since and I know it's where I want to be. I remember standing in Times Square and it just hit me, this is where it's at" "Your heart knows where it should be, it will find it's own way to it's home someday. So what is your plan?" "Okay I want to get my associates degree at OCC (Owensboro Community College 24 miles away), then join the Navy and do IT work for them while traveling and seeing the world, finish my bachelor's degree in Hardware and Software Engineering while at sea, then set out to work in New York." "Well, if your gonna do it just do it, there will never be the perfect time or enough money saved up, when you go, just go, make it work, and if you gotta scrub toilets or cook, or wait tables and live in a flat with 10 other people, just go make it happen for yourself, I know if it's truly what you want, you will make it happen". This next part of the conversation is what really really struck home to me and proved to me he is serious about this as very few 14 year olds (11 years old at the time it happened) would ever think like this. "I remember sitting on the bus going to all the touristy things we were doing and I remember looking around at all the people, and the Greek thing over here and the ethiopian thing over there and the itilain restaurant over there, and the chineses thing over there and I thought, "Why are we here on this bus doing this touristy crap?" I wanna be out there on the street where the action is with all the people." He went onto say, "I remember looking around and thinking there's the mass transit terminals for the trains and the subways, I'll have to get very fimiliar with those, that way I wont need a car to get around..." At 11 years old he was thinking like this...his peers laugh at his dreams, they are caught up in all the high school drama nonsense, he is so above all that... and while it hurts sometimes to be different and to chart one's own path, he knows in the long run he will be much better for it...I got a feeling he will be the one laughing before long...and if it doesn't turn out like he planned? Well, better to have a plan and try your hardest to make it work than  to just drift through life aimlessly I say...Oh, and his charting his own path? Yeah, that kind of reminds me of you Lucy...Love you...peace...

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