Friday, August 23, 2013


Visited "my sister than I never had" Fawn, and her lil munchkin Rusty about out in the boonies...that house has been there since 1880's? I think that's what Jason (her husband) said. They just got started building their house on the hill behind the present one. Jason was asleep from working midnights, Alyssa (Fawns daughter from a prior relationship) was at school, but it was a nice visit, 35 minute nice ride with , hills, curves, rode in the Koboda, fed and watered the chickens with 'em...went to the bank, the post office, the gas station, Wal-mart, visited with Christian and his bunch of heathens, now I get to go get Nich and then take him right back to school and then go to the football game to go watch him...your missing all the fun...this stuff means as much to me as the concerts and the trips, etc...There will only ever be "one" first performance in a high school marching band...I was not about to miss and out all night love you...

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