Friday, May 30, 2014


does so good with so much then he pulls some kinda shit like this?
I know, comes with the territory, he is 15.

He just needs to be made to understand he fucked up.
I had a bad case of gout in my foot.
Worst it's been in a while.
Had it from Sun - Thursday.
Hobbled around hardly walking at times, particularly in the AM or after having sat down for a while.
Ask him how many loads of laundry he did during this time.
Or dishes.
Ask if he even offered to help.
He knew it was painful for me to walk yet I was the one going downstairs to do laundry.
I think he moved one load from the washer to the dryer.
Well gee, thanks...


just had it with him sometimes...

nobody sees it but me.

Love you Lucy.
He will be okay.
But he got some work to do.

Did I mention I was tired of being Daddy and Mommy lol?

I am.
I am just exhausted and a lil more appreciation and consideration from him would go a long ways with me.

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