Saturday, May 31, 2014

I am

seriously about to give up on him.
That is exactly where I am at right now.
That day moving the appliances and now this.

If he can't see, or doesn't know any better than to try and help his old man around the house any more than he does by this age?
Then what am I supposed to do?

We should be a team.
We should work together to get things done.
But, no.everything is a fight, a struggle to do what he already knows needs to be done and is the right thing to do.
I shouldn't have to do his laundry or cook his food.
I will, but I shouldn't be expected to cook every last meal for him.
When I was his age I was lighting the grill and cooking cheeseburgers for myself.
He should be and is able to do so.
He just don't wanna.
Too much of his moma and his uncles in him if you ask me.

I've just had enough.
Enough disrespectful tone and attitude to do me more than a lifetimes worth.
He gonna go kick the worlds ass and won't make his own breakfast or do his own laundry.

Give me a fucking break.

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