Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Joe: "You should have got a seat on the back of that bike, that would get you a woman."
Me: "Joe, if a woman wants to be with me because I have a bike I assure you that is not a woman I want."
Joe: "Yeah, you say that till they're all rubbing on you and they are soft and they smell nice."
Me: "How bout I get a woman with her own bike? How bout that? How about we do that Joe?"

I aint heard much out of Joe since our confrontation
 in the foyer and then Kenny lining him out about his behavior...
Haven't heard much out of anybody at work since that incident to be honest.

I got nothing against Joe. He is helping raise his Grand kids, admirable, how can I not respect that?
I just pray for them...Joe, his family, his kids, his grand kids...what else can I do? People don't understand, we have to fight against our natural inclinations, jealousy, hurt, anger, bitterness, why me? etc, on and on and on...wish well for those that seek to harm you and watch what happens...


It felt so good going back to see Christian Sunday after I woke up. I wanted to see the kids in their new home while they were still awake. Walked in the door and Jr is sitting there at the end of the couch watching Ice Age, he starts patting the seat next to him saying "Drew, Drew." How could I not go sit by him? What a great feeling. He likes to hear me fire up the bike as well. If they are going somewhere he never wants to leave till after I do :-)...Ryder was running around on the deck. Christian said he loves running around out there. He was having a blast. But we had to go inside. He threw a fit like I aint seen in a bit. Bucking at the waist, arms and legs just a flailing and Christian just looked at each other and laughed...two single each knew what the other was thinking..."Keep doing that buddy, that will get you what you want...NOT! today, not tomorrow, not ever lol...

Why aren't you in bed yet?

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