Friday, May 30, 2014



It's okay for me to drive 180+ miles and spend $120 on a show he shouldn't have been able to get in to see but then I ask for a simple meter reading and I am the asshole?

This shit is not gonna fly come Monday AM when I get home.

Oh and summertime? 
No school? 
Yeah, the breakfast short order cook gets some time off.
He better not ever wake me up this summer sayin he wants something for breakfast.
There will be eggs, bacon, bread for toast etc, he can cook it, he has been shown, he said he knew how.
He wants to be treated like a man?
Then he needs to start acting like one.

Two and a half more years Lucy.
You think I am going to make it?

He by his own admission stated he likes to aggravate me.
That's what I need?
That helps?
That makes me sleep better at night?
That makes me feel better?
He wants to pester me to no end like I am one of his school buddies then he is upset when I don't wanna be around him?
It don't cut both ways like that.
He needs to recognize.

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