Wednesday, May 17, 2017


enemies foreign and domestic."
I understand people get sick of the "Trump bashing" as my buddy called it.
But you know what?
He deserves it.
All of it.
Every last bit of it.
He and the Republican Party that allowed this level of incompetence to reach the White House deserve every last bit of it.
One of the pundits after he had won the election said:
"It's going to take decades for The Republican Party to recover from this debacle."
Dear Donald:
 Galatians 6:7
What if Obama had a meeting in The White House with the Russian ambassador and Foreign Minister and gave away classified information?
What if Hillary fired the head of the FBI that was leading an investigation into her campaign?
Seriously, if you still want Hillary in jail for her email server but don't think this guy just committed obstruction of justice?
Well that's justa special kinda stupid now isn't it?
I said it when he got elected.
He's never had to put a team together.
He's never had to work well with others.
What in the world did people think was going to happen?
He's inept.
At this point I agree with a host of others that removal by the 25th amendment seems more likely than removal by than impeachment.
And what makes Pence so appealing?
He was around this campaign when all the meetings were taking place with the Russians, what makes him so innocent in all this mess?
He didn't know anything?
Bitch please.
Smell that?
That's the stench coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave these days.
All inevitable in the bigger picture Lucy.

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