Monday, May 22, 2017


This guy?

The chairman of the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform?
The one that ran to Daddy Warbucks after seeing classified material before he ever held a committee meeting about possible collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign?

Yeah, him.

He's resigning.

How many people have you ever heard about that resign from the US House of Representatives?
A few here and there maybe. 
Mike Rodgers comes to mind, but for this guy to announce he's leaving the house just a few weeks after his meeting with The Donald?
 Why is this not being looked into more thoroughly?

Nothing to see here, please move along seems like.

The blatancy with which things are done these days is just unimaginable to me.
It's not like things like this didn't happen in the past, it's just...people don't even see the need to try and hide things anymore.

Like Lonnie used to say:
"One thing about it, were living in interesting times.'

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