Friday, September 1, 2017


Yes, Fucknuts :-).

I feel like you're forgetting whats important again.
You do this from time to time,it's kinda expected at this point :-).

It's not the event that matters.
It's us.
Don't ever forget it.

I don't ask for much ever from anybody,
I get it that you're busy.
I'll trade all your running around away from home if you wanna be the one dipping water out of a 20 gallon tote to take pit baths in the sink :-).

On second thought, forget that.
You're way better at planning something like this than I ever would be.
I'll stick to the pit baths. :-).
You continue with last minute arrangements :-).

You could however throw a boy a bone.
Something on social media I know is intended for me?
Somethin' :-).
It's not exactly easy over here either and it would be appreciated. :-).

Love you.

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