Saturday, February 1, 2020

Eggs, Bourbon staves, and Authenticity.

I just don't like.
People whos flag flies
anyway the wind blows.
No conviction.
No authenticity.


When your having eggs for breakfast?
And one person you've had breakfast with a lot.
But this particular breakfast?
There is somebody else with you.
That you (I) haven't had a lot of breakfasts with.
So you put hot sauce on your scrambled eggs.
Newer guy catches a wind of it.
"Whats that?"
"That smell?"
"Hot sauce, I like it on my scrambled eggs."
And the other party, long timer goes,
"Yeah me too"
And puts hot sauce on his eggs.

And your jaw just hits the floor.
Cause your like...
"Since fucking when? twenty seconds ago?"
And you know...
they are only doing it, cause you did it.
And they want the other party to think
"Hey look at me I put hot sauce on my eggs too."


Few weeks later.
You're with some people you know.
They know you've been a big KY Bourbon enthusiast.for a long time.
They start talking about how they are building a wall in their basement
built out of bourbon barrel staves.

I just looked at them with disdain.
First of all I don't like people who like to show off.
In fact my goal?
Is to have a few things.
(Emphasis on few)
That are so cool?
I wouldn't want to show them off.
Not trying to be anything for anybody.
Just happens to be the few things I like.

Second of all?
A year and a half ago they 
wouldn't have known a bourbon barrel stave 
if somebody had hit them in the face with it.
Now they're all
"Oh you know, KY, Our lil town, Bourbon etc..."
I thought you impostor, wanna be, poser fucks.

I just looked at them like
This is the exact reason our tribes are different.
I don't belong to theirs.
They don't belong to mine.
No hard feelings.
Just the way it is.

Thats a KY Bourbon barrel stave BTW with the horses on it.
It's my picture from Buffalo Trace Distillery over 11 years ago.

Authenticity yo.

Its not about what somebody else does or likes.
Or what's currently popular or trendy.
It goes to the root of who you are as a person.

Get some.

I love you honey.


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