Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I still got

a couple of more topics left.
But that is about gonna do it for today.

Do you see why I asked him to turn it off?
Takes him three to four minutes.
I go write down notes.
Next thing I know I'm in the library for hours.

So yeah...

I have a pretty good rapport with the big guy.
I don't mind asking him to scale it back here and there sometimes.

During this day?
This process?

I look at the clock on the microwave.
You can't make it up.
I just laughed.
Next time I looked?
It was 11:12 on that clock.

I turn to get something off he counter in the kitchen.
There is another clock.
Guess what time it says?


I was like thats two clocks saying 11;11 within minutes of each other.

I'll let others make their own determination.
But it happens a lot.
But never on two clocks separated by a minute.


I go to sit down. 
Write down my notes about topics to write about.

The second others came home.
The second the door opened?

I could physically feel the faucet being turned off as it were.
It was gone.
Just felt it.

Were gonna have to figure out a way to get me some solitude sometimes honey.
Its only way this works sweetheart.
I love you baby.

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