Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Yeah so...

I love my Sundays after church.
Get a lil "me" time in.

Do wat I do lol
(Lucy knows :-).

Turned on some worship music.

Basically just keep worshiping at home after church.
It's a great time once a week to clear my head.
Have some time to think, hear his voice in the silence, etc.

Psalm 46:10 

"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God..."

And I am.
And the flood gates opened up like they hadn't in a while.
After a few minutes?
I was like okay,okay...
Turn it off please.
I got enough to work on for a lil bit.

And the things that came at me.
In non-stop rapid fire succession were:

The Economic effects of Covid-19.
Locust plagues.Yeah.
You heard right.
Locust plagues.
More on that later.
Scripture verse on peace and prosperity but there is none.
Our hollowed out state department.
Our decapitated Intelligence agencies.
False church.
The False doctrine of the whore church of Babylon.
Kingdom people don't act like normal people.
 From the sermon.
(They're aliens BTW :-)
Abraham and Sarah.

Gonna take them on one at a time.
Each with it's own post
and then a summary, conclusion etc.

I love you honey.

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