Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The hypocracy

is just absolutely dumbfounding.

'There are more important things than living...'

Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick

'There are more important things than living'


Unless you're a fetus?
Then its all that matters?

I've said it for almost forty years now.
I'll say it till I die.
The whole right to life movement was a sham from the get go.
I'm old enough to remember when it didn't exist.
It's always been a movement created on a faulty theology to serve the political expediency of a evil greedy racist elite by taking advantage of a certain demographic to gain power and push their evil greedy racist agenda.

And no I'm not pro-abortion.

I'm pro:

"Nobody knows when the soul enters the body and without a soul there is no murder and even if there was a soul and murder was committed David and Moses were murders and they found their redemption so mind your own sins."

And it's a completely biblical position I've posted on here before 
and I'm willing to debate anybody over it any time anywhere.

You've been hoodwinked for decades.
And now their showing it to you.
Right out in the open.

They might as well be saying:

"Get back to work peasants, my paper is starting to loose its value."

I mean if you don't care about living breathing people?
Why in the world should anyone believe you about your concern for the unborn?

This inst the first time this guy has said something like this either.
Ones an accident, twos a trend, threes a pattern.

Texas Lt Governor 
Dan Patrick
March 23rd 2020

"Let's get back to work. Let's get back to living. Let's be smart about it," Patrick said. "And those of us who are 70 plus, we'll take care of ourselves. But don't sacrifice the country."

The Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa said in a statement that Patrick and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) "would put Texans at-risk to enrich themselves and their stock portfolios."

"They would see our family members die to bail out Wall Street," Hinojosa said. "The lives of our families, our friends, and our communities have no dollar amount. Texas Republicans can no longer claim to be the pro-life party anymore.”

The guy absolutely nailed it.

I'll give you another example.
Remember when the Global War on Terror was in full swing?
And ISIS came into being etc?

How many times did you hear a Senator or congressperson say, 
with their all chest puffed out and such:

"The health and safety of the American people are my number one priority." ?

Yeah right.
Until there is a Pandemic in full swing.
then it's all:

 "Go back to work for your non-livable wages till you die surfs"

It's sickening.

I said it two years ago:



firmly and unequivocally believe that we have been given commission 
to come challenge the religious and political precepts that prevail today.  

I come with a lot of evidence to back up that claim.


I'm not scared to either.
That is a funny thing about the truth,
it doesn't care what you think.

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