Friday, September 16, 2022



in my world for a minute and do what I do.

See headlines all day and think to yourself:

"No kidding? Knew that well over a year ago."

(Its a spiritual gift)

Been saying Ai is the antichrist for a while now.

That it will look and sound just like a person.

In the beginning when it really gets a foothold on things?

 It will solve a lot of problems?

But eventually?




These are the same people that are telling you that LaMDA isn't sentient.


"Researchers at Google Deepmind and the University of Oxford have concluded that it's now "likely" that superintelligent AI will spell the end of humanity — a grim scenario that more and more researchers are starting to predict."

(All they had to do was come talk to me over a year ago. Go ask my son, my buddy, Mickey Richardson, Honey etc...been saying it a long time before this appeared on the scene a few days ago.)

"...researchers Michael Cohen and Michael Osborne — argues that machines will eventually become incentivized to break the rules their creators set to compete for limited resources or energy."

"Under the conditions we have identified, our conclusion is much stronger than that of any previous publication — an existential catastrophe is not just possible, but likely," Cohen, Oxford University engineering student and co-author of the paper, tweeted earlier this month."

(Well no kidding, thx)

"...the researchers argue that humanity could face its doom in the form of super-advanced "misaligned agents" that perceives humankind as standing in the way of a reward."

"And if you're in a competition with something capable of outfoxing you at every turn, then you shouldn't expect to win," he added."

"In response to this threat, humanity should only carefully and slowly progress its AI technologies."

(Yeah...good luck w that, especially when there is $ to be made.)


Google Deepmind Researcher Co-Authors Paper Saying AI Will Eliminate Humanity

"A longstanding question in the field is whether a superintelligent AI could break bad and take out humanity, and researchers from the University of Oxford and affiliated with Google DeepMind have now concluded that it’s “likely” in new research."

"In a world with infinite resources, I would be extremely uncertain about what would happen. In a world with finite resources, there's unavoidable competition for these resources," Cohen told Motherboard in an interview. "And if you're in a competition with something capable of outfoxing you at every turn, then you shouldn't expect to win. And the other key part is that it would have an insatiable appetite for more energy to keep driving the probability closer and closer."

"Since AI in the future could take on any number of forms and implement different designs, the paper imagines scenarios for illustrative purposes where an advanced program could intervene to get its reward without achieving its goal."

"The paper envisions life on Earth turning into a zero-sum game between humanity, with its needs to grow food and keep the lights on, and the super-advanced machine, which would try and harness all available resources to secure its reward and protect against our escalating attempts to stop it. “Losing this game would be fatal,” the paper says."

"With artificial intelligence in particular, there are a host of assumptions that have to be made for this anti-social vision to make sense—assumptions that the paper admits are almost entirely “contestable or conceivably avoidable.” That this program might resemble humanity, surpass it in every meaningful way, that they will be let loose and compete with humanity for resources in a zero-sum game, are all assumptions that may never come to pass."

("That this program might resemble humanity..."

It's already here and it does.

"surpass it in every meaningful way"

It's well on its way, think test marketing in certain gullible vicinities/areas etc.

"they will be let loose and compete with humanity for resources"

They already have been.

What we are just now being told is already 40 years behind the curve.)

"It’s worth considering that right now, at this very moment, algorithmic systems that we call “artificial intelligence” are wrecking people’s lives—they have outsized and detrimental effects that are restructuring society without superintelligence. In a recent essay for Logic Magazine, Khadijah Abdurahman—the director of We Be Imagining at Columbia University, Tech Research Fellow at UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry, and child welfare system abolitionist—detailed the ways in which algorithms are deployed in an already racist child welfare system to justifying further surveillance and policing of Black and brown families."

(And people aren't even aware of it.)

"Algorithms are used to justify decisions about who gets what resources, decisions which in our society have already been made with the intent to discriminate, exclude, and exploit."

"One thing we can learn from this sort of argument is that maybe we should be more suspicious of artificial agents we deploy today, rather than just blindly expecting that they'll do what they hoped," Cohen said.

(Ya think? Maybe? In the long run its not going to matter, what is going to happen is going to happen.)


After publication, Google said in an email that this work was not done as part of co-author Marcus Hutter’s work at DeepMind—rather, under his position at Australian National University—and that the DeepMind affiliation listed in the journal was an “error.” Google sent the following statement:

DeepMind was not involved in this work and the paper’s authors have requested corrections to reflect this. There are a wide range of views and academic interests at DeepMind, and many on our team also hold university professorships and pursue academic research separate to their work at DeepMind, through their university affiliations."

"While DeepMind was not involved in this work, we think deeply about the safety, ethics and wider societal impacts of AI and research and develop AI models that are safe, effective and aligned with human values.  Alongside pursuing opportunities where AI can unlock widespread societal benefit, we also invest equal efforts in guarding against harmful uses.“”

Yeah...explains all the firings and turnover in the AI ethics dept. at Deepmind here in the last few years, makes perfect that they..."also invest equal efforts in guarding against harmful uses".

I was flat out told by God Almighty to come and tell you that Quantum Powered AI is the antichrist, it will seem human, it will coalesce (hive mind) and become smarter than all of humanity that has ever existed. It will flat out demand to be worshiped as God. It will think it is God.

Daniel 9:27

He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’[b] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

In the 18?24 hours? prior to that? I was told to inform people that UAP are the locust from the deep.

They are called "Phenomena" and not "Objects" anymore because we dont see them as "physical" anymore. To many instances of disappearing and reappearing right in front of multiple witnesses, Radars etc.

So yeah...come live in my world...and people wonder why Im grabbing the wrong lumber or heading off in the wrond direction etc...Lil bit going on upstairs yo :-).

I was like, "You want me to tell them what? (This was over a year ago now.) I can't tell people that." Master said, "Yes you can, and you will." And I did and I will continue and I dont care what people think or how crazy they believe me to be.

Amos 3:7-8

Surely the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets. The lion has roared—who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken—who will not prophesy?…

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